Once Boras finished putting evidence on the board, he sat down again and opened a blue binder.
One day you'd see three of them leaning over the fat blue binder that held our photographs and resumes.
Then she flipped open her thick blue binder and began to read.
At the top of the second box, I came across two blue big-ring loose-leaf binders that looked promising.
On the shelf below was a thick blue binder, labeled with Kyle's name.
It is, perhaps, the moment when the President's budget, so pristine and clean in its bright blue binder, begins to get real.
However, they are full A4 size in a dark blue binder.
Pounds picked up the blue binder off his desk and stood up.
Pounds then opened another drawer and brought a blue binder up onto the desk.
He tapped his finger on top of the pile of blue binders.