The berries are of particular interest, as their blue coloration is the most intense of any known biological material.
It is characterised and distinguished by blue coloration present on the flank.
Males tend to have a blue coloration to the white bars, whereas females do not.
The color is a uniform gray to olive drab with slight brown or blue colorations.
Older juveniles develop the characteristic blue and yellow coloration of the adult.
They emphasized its overall bright blue coloration, and noted that further study could reveal it to be a distinct species.
The blue coloration is much more pronounced on males than females.
The researchers are not sure why this advantage disappears, but they suggest that the males' blue coloration may no longer be visible to the females.
In addition, males tend to have a blue coloration, whereas the females are predominantly green.
Spray applications cause the needles to lose their blue coloration, although in time it comes back.