He wrote his phone number on top of the box, in blue crayon.
Opposite him was the older of the two women, and between them were red and blue crayons.
He had drew a new sign for himself, and colored it up with red, white, and blue crayon.
She lay the blue and green crayons at the base of the tree.
The boy took a blue crayon and began to draw.
In 2003, the company built a huge blue crayon that was 15 feet tall and weighed almost a ton.
Officers found two lollipops near the vehicle's stick shift and a blue crayon in the back seat.
To cover the white line left by jeans-lengthening, try rubbing with a blue crayon.
She looked like a girl painted in blue and white crayon, her bones like shadows showing through the skin.
They seem to prefer arguing over the one available blue crayon or whose turn it is to use the connect-the-dots book.