With a bit of a backfire and a puff of blue exhaust smoke the truck lurched away and I was left standing at the gates.
I kicked the starter, put the motorcycle in gear, and off I went, leaving my best friend smiling in a cloud of blue exhaust.
He slammed the door shut, put the car in gear, and roared off in a cloud of angry blue exhaust.
The van sits rumbling on the soft shoulder, driver's door open, emitting blue exhaust from one end and rock from the other.
Wisps of laughter trailed back to him with the blue exhaust from the beetle.
Then with a cloud of blue exhaust the pick-up continued on its way.
The blue exhaust filled the night with its tang and the wind was too calm to disturb it much.
It was half a mile before they escaped its blue exhaust fumes.
In front of me, Arnie's Plymouth started up with a bellowing roar and a huge stinking cloud of blue exhaust.
Minelli parked the car under a cloud of blue exhaust.