Hydrangea: A beautiful water talent fairy who always wears blue eyeshadow.
She gave a cold smile, blinked so he saw her blue eyeshadow.
Chestnut eyes, tastefully highlighted by pale blue eyeshadow, took in the untamed river valley before them.
I notice for the first time the way her brown hair curls and the pale blue sparkly eyeshadow she wears.
She had light hair and blue eyeshadow and shiny lipstick and she looked at me hard for about ten seconds.
She puts on blue eyeshadow, goes to a dance and at the end of the evening is the only woman left sitting against the wall.
Her eyes were framed in flattering blue eyeshadow and dark mascara; her lips glistened red.
She was a full-bodied woman with strong clean features, a blonde with brown eyes under heavy blue eyeshadow.
He couldn't make up the blue eyeshadow and the pink.
His mother was applying blue eyeshadow with a brush, drawing down her eyelids and peering into the mirror.