The car was available in black, maroon, green, blue or grey finish.
If it wasn't for its dark blue finish, the gun would have sparkled.
Among its many selling points are different color selections for the machines, such as blue and red finishes on their higher-end models.
It is a 6-shot revolver with a swing out cylinder and was available in blue or nickel finishes.
When first built, the floor had a bright blue and white finish.
Civilian versions had either a blue or nickel finish, and had hard rubber grips.
The pistol lacked the checkering, polished blue finish, and other refinements of the Model 41.
Also features a carbona blue finish and a 14-kt gold bead in the front sight.
It comes with a walnut grip and a dark blue finish.
The blue and white finish is standard Delft and you will find it at many high class outlets with prices which match the quality.