She ran until she reached the end of the block, where the big blue mailbox sat.
Then drop you package or letter in one of the blue fedral mailboxes.
They then walked to the corner to drop it into the big blue mailbox, but suddenly the youngster became confused.
Beside the store, along with three or four gumball machines and a Maryjane vendor, stood a blue and red mailbox.
He looked around and gestured tellingly at the dark blue mailbox directly in front of her door, crushed like it was made of tinfoil instead of riveted steel.
There was a big dark blue rural mailbox at the entrance to the pebbled driveway of number 28, with aluminum cutout letters in a top slot spelling T. pike.
Or "The giant blue mailbox is in front of the post office, how many letters can it take."
Sights jittering by: cars wrecked off the road, Mr. Strang's blue mailbox with the flag up, a dead dog with its legs up, a powerline down in a cornfield.
And I'll flip through the newest issue, walking back from my blue mailbox, hunting for the poem he chose over mine.
To my shock, the familiar large blue mailbox was gone.