The snug dark blue pantaloons (breeches) were lined with leather, and ornamented with a single crimson stripe.
If that weren't true, he would have been wearing blue pantaloons and calling Geoffrey his sovereign.
Leaning on the handles, smoking a thin black cigarette, was a wiry middle-aged man, dressed in bright blue pantaloons and a shabby vest.
Twisk appeared beside Madouc, today wearing pale blue pantaloons riding low on her hips and a shirt of white diaphane.
Today he wore a vast brown jacket, blue pantaloons, and a blue hat.
Jervis scowled at the droplets staining his yellow waistcoat and blue pantaloons.
Late they received a new uniform consisting of a black zouave jacket with skyblue trimming, a red kepi with a dark blue band, and sky blue pantaloons.
He had to provide his infantryman's uniform at his own expense - a deep-blue coat with matching lapels, and blue pantaloons with red edgings.
She was shorter than Aileca and emphatically rounder in a loose white blouse and blue and red pantaloons.
Joseph nodded, trying not to stare at the pinned-up leg of Bell's blue pantaloons.