There is a magical quality to the entire place - bright blue peacocks wander around outside and even the tool sheds have stained-glass windows.
Some of the butterflies found at Sattal includes Indian fritillary (Argynnis hyperbius), peacock panzy, blue peacock, Paris peacock, red-base Jazebel, red lacewing, yellow pansy, tawny Rajah, red Helen, large silverstripe and thousands of others.
It was a young peacock, blue all over like a peacock's neck, very lovely.
Its walls were dim and glorious with blue and gold peacocks he had painted himself.
Against the fine white silk embroidered with red leopards and blue peacocks outlined in gold, her black hair made a stark line, like coarse, unraveled thread.
"We are one of the divided families," said Mary Ann Olson as she tossed birdseed toward a group of vivid blue and green peacocks that wandered across her lawn.
Her bathing-dress was peacock, rippled green and blue like waves of an illuminated sea.
The steps were those of a pavane, but a pavane created and performed by rabbits in moonlight instead of peacocks stalking, blue as salt on fire, along white walks under a Spanish noon.
The species are of both the white variety and the more common Indian blue peacock.
The Boeing spot's patriotic undertones blend with the new mood on television and in advertising, from the "Keep America Rolling" automobile ads by General Motors to the red, white and blue peacock on the NBC logo.