She wore jeans and a blue cashmere pullover.
Shedding her blue pullover, she snatched up a yellowed T-shirt.
When she came back out of the bedroom, she had put on faded jeans, a blue terry-cloth pullover, and Indian moccasins.
A blue pullover and dark green trousers peeked out beneath his brown coat.
From inside the counter between us, he quickly drew out a blue pullover.
He had changed from his flight coveralls to a comfortably loose royal blue pullover and expensive genuine twill slacks.
During winter months a dark blue pullover is permitted in both schools.
She was wearing a white tennis frock and a pale blue pullover.
A pipe-smoker in a hand-knit blue pullover at John's left gestured at the board with his pipe stem.
He was wearing jeans and a blue pullover, and Nora thought: The poor man is going to get soaked to the skin.