Just then, a pair of blue scrubs came into view.
All were wearing either blue or pink scrubs.
Once they passed in another group walked two-by-two back into the tower, led by one of the medical staff in blue scrubs.
I turned and she introduced me to a man in blue scrubs and a plastic apron, with a net over his gray hair.
I was heading toward the exit when a nurse in blue scrubs beckoned to me from a room across the hallway.
He stood beside a dark-skinned woman in blue scrubs, sitting on a bench between the banks of lockers.
He was no older than twenty-five, slender, with a shaved head, and dressed in blue scrubs.
She pulled up a chair close to mine and took out a scrap of paper from a pocket of her blue scrubs.
Finally, after forty minutes, I am called out of the waiting room by an officious woman in blue scrubs.
Inside, the doctor took off his bulletproof vest and put on his blue scrubs.