A dark blue smudge against the myriad shades of blue and green and white of the ice.
She also wanted to erase the blue smudge of chalk that marked the dead spot on the front wall.
The pale blue smudges under her eyes made him frown.
There were blue smudges under her eyes; she'd been up late making jelly, up again twice more with the little bas-with the baby.
Nearly there," she added as the blue smudge of the inland sea grew larger on the map.
Christmas lights reflected on them in blue and yellow smudges, true gifts, finely made, honestly admired.
Beyond the waters of the sound stretches a long blue smudge of pines.
There were dark blue smudges under his eyes, bruises and cuts still visible on face and neck.
Jessage was far behind them now, a blue smudge on the sea, a stain.
He had chalk on his hands and another light blue smudge on his cheek.