Under any circumstances this delectable valley, with its gold and blue trees, would have been memorable, but two events made it even more so.
They located a forest of black, blue, and white ash trees whose shedding ashes covered the forest floor.
The dappled night shadows, the inky blue trees sway lightly in the breeze.
He went to that tree, and spied a blue tree with a brown trunk.
Sure enough, under the blue tree there was a pool of darkness.
The sky was bright blue, trees barely stirring, as if nothing bad had happened here.
The sharp edge of it clipped a small blue tree, felling it.
She said: "Look at that, John, a blue tree!
When you are lost, you can turn to the friendly blue tree, which offers fairy-godmotherlike clues.
The people are kind, the animals friendly, and the landscape rich in things like tuberous-looking blue trees producing bright red volleyball-sized fruit.