It is not uncommon to see fans with everything from blue wigs to bodies covered in blue paint.
You can see Katy's blue wig above the drapery as she enters the right side of the cart and walks through it uninterrupted.
The teaser shows Björk stuck in a bed of quicksand, wearing a blue wig.
Additionally there is another new scene where Minaj, in a blue curly wig, raps some of her verse against a dark backdrop.
I covered my short, drab-colored hair with the requisite hat and a blue wig so long it fell to my waist.
The black, blue and green printed wig was paired with pink lipstick.
A woman in a blue wig and a dress of white sequins stood on the dais.
They were met at the door by a size-sixteen woman in a wraparound leopard skirt, high heels, and a blue wig.
I had a hip-length blue wig with a horn in the middle, like a unicorn.
Frank spotted the juggler's blue wig weaving through the crowd.