The first stamp issued by Slovenia on June 26, 1991, one day after its declaration of independence, depicted the Plečnik Parliament in silver on a blue-green background.
A malachite green counterstain gives a blue-green background cast to the surrounding tissue.
The display is eye-catching, with amber lettering on a cool blue-green background, but it is so large and distracting that it is hard to get used to.
Marois's campaign signs displayed her image on a blue-green background along with the slogan "Chez nous, c'est Pauline" in an effort to claim a return to the PQ's nationalist beginnings.
A thin wisp of smoke rose from the forward funnel, The ensign I did not recognize, but, with the blue-green background and the golden crown, I would have guessed the ship was from somewhere in Nordla.
On a blue-green background, black hieroglyphic figures blazed in red join leaping black deer in a dance of anarchic lines.
They are variable in colour with dark markings on a whitish, pinkish or blue-green background.
It reflects Matisse's incipient fascination with primitive art: the intense warm colors against the cool blue-green background and the rhythmical succession of dancing nudes convey the feelings of emotional liberation and hedonism.
The modern one is the golden mark of the Ghirais on a blue-green background.
Beneath a small green and gold trim-line is a larger gold trim-line with a maroon border and white "B" and "BROAD ST" tablets on a blue-green background at regular intervals.