A "blue-water navy" can project its nation's power throughout the world.
The Russians had a big chunk of their blue-water navy in the area.
But the Chinese leaders feel quite differently now and have rebuilt the nation's blue-water navy into a force.
A blue-water navy allows a country to project power far from the home country and usually includes one or more aircraft carriers.
The report suggested that while China is developing a blue-water navy, it will be more regional in nature rather than global.
In particular, it is building a blue-water navy and developing an air-to-air refueling capability.
It is now used by most, if not all, blue-water navies.
As there is no clear definition of a blue-water navy, the status is disputed.
While a blue-water navy can project sea control power into another nation's littoral, it remains susceptible to threats from less capable forces.
The country had moved to assemble a blue-water navy at a blistering pace.