Nidor's star is a massive, blue-white giant, which it orbits at a great distance, completing a revolution in about three thousand years.
I am aimed for Procyon now, toward the blue-white giant itself, but there is no hope there.
Too many dead stars, and most of what's left are blue-white and white giants.
V343 Carinae is a blue-white B-type giant with a mean apparent magnitude of +4.31.
It was the remnant of a blue-white giant, once so bright it must have made its companion star cast a shadow.
It is a blue-white B-type giant with an apparent magnitude of +5.28 and lies approximately 642 light years from Earth.
It was a blue-white giant which even at a distance which reduced its disk to the size of a water-drop, gave off a blistering heat.
V761 Centauri is a blue-white B-type giant with a mean apparent magnitude of +4.41.
The system as a whole is classified as a blue-white B-type giant with a mean combined apparent magnitude of +3.62.
Delta-2 Telescopii is a blue-white B-type giant with an apparent magnitude of +5.07.