Billboard called the single "an easygoing, bluesy number, convincingly conjuring the spirit of his idol Buddy Guy."
The set featured an overwhelming majority of classics from their 1970s period, as well as several bluesy numbers, in which they typically did extended jams.
Its music is charming in a Broadway fashion, including some slightly bluesy numbers, a satire on burlesque, a witty polka and a few well-written love songs.
Not all the voices in the cast of nine soar in the delivery of the score's appealing folk, pop and bluesy numbers.
There's also a kind of bluesy number, 'I Always Get My Man', which, says Madonna, 'was incredible to sing.
A bluesy number, it has Clarkson explaining how love can be wonderful but also what the trouble with love is.
The music Nick played was a low, bluesy number.
She turned the stereo on low, so that the soft, bluesy number was hardly more than a whisper.
The remaining songs are roughly equally divided between bluesy numbers and folky ones.
They rehearsed a bluesy number called "12 Rough Years," a tune inspired by the Chicago blues performed with sunglasses.