The key was his ability to avoid the mistakes in the blustery conditions.
The most skilful players will learn to hold their score together despite the blustery conditions.
He finished with 6/42 as the home team were rolled for 71 on a wet wicket in cold and blustery conditions.
The fly ball was aided by the blustery conditions that marked the entire series.
Williams relished the experience, even if the blustery conditions did cause her difficulties.
But if the wind is blowing in the right direction, he prefers the blustery conditions.
Today's game was played in blustery conditions, the wind blowing from east to west across the stadium.
Hingis said the blustery conditions favored her patient return game.
Leonard won the 1997 British Open in blustery conditions, and he looked determined to win another major at age 30.
The only details which can be seen in these blustery conditions are the two figures battling against the elements.