Here, he won by 45 yards in 46 minutes 44 seconds, good time on a blustery morning when the temperature barely climbed above 40 degrees.
It was a blustery Sunday morning, and the journey to her daughter's plot had already been a trek.
Some runners in the park near Christopher Street on a recent blustery morning said they were willing to share.
It was almost five on a cold, blustery, winter morning before I heard his car approaching.
They were tired, and none of them felt quite up to facing the blustery morning again.
In Massachusetts, too, we traveled two hours by ferry through a damp blustery morning.
But he had one more immediate stop on this blustery morning.
Khannouchi ran the fastest marathon in history on this blustery morning.
I remember it was a bleak and blustery morning.
At 10.15 one blustery morning, watched by a small group of friends and helpers, he set off.