The board is trying to standardize how retail companies account for shipping and handling costs.
Soon City Hall stepped up its criticism over the way the board was handling the search.
A board or committee of management handles the material concerns of the local congregation.
Officials said the latest problem appeared to stem from a misunderstanding in the way the board handles complaints referred to it by the Police Department.
As it stands now, the board can barely handle its present caseload, let alone the cases resulting from 5,000 more police officers.
Under the ruling, the board can still handle routine matters, but is not allowed to vote on major policy decisions.
Exhibit A in her argument is the way the board has handled important executive compensation matters.
His solution is to let the boards handle such things.
Some boards handle only a limited number of file types and graphic formats.
The board or agency that oversees this process may handle complaints and have the authority to take disciplinary action.