He and his board have identified the main problem of Italian fairs as being a lack of buyer confidence in the vetting procedures.
That is presumably why the board identified specific, relatively easy-to-call cases of patients who should rise to the top.
The board of inquiry recommended that "neither negligence nor blame should be attributed to any individual", but identified a number of factors.
Once the nomination process is complete, the advisory board identifies five finalists for each regular category.
In 70 cases the board was able to substantiate police brutality but could not identify the officer involved.
For a start, the board identified the need for a new director - myself - to come on board and take ownership of the growth plan.
Even if the board cannot identify the items, he said, "in many cases, it's the effort that makes the difference to the families."
We fail to mainstream the solutions that various boards and reports have identified.
The Legislature would use the money to buy parcels of land that a citizens' advisory board identified as particularly sensitive or significant.