Without those details, the board opted not to endorse the rally.
The board nonetheless voted against motions to strike the controversial provisions from the proposals and instead opted for further discussion.
The original board opted for an entirely novel university model dedicated to the discovery of knowledge at an advanced level, extending that of contemporary Germany.
Or, the board could opt to take a more direct role and charge the CEO with carrying out its plans.
Despite its difficulties, the company's board had opted to keep the stores open while Financo, an investment house, shopped them around.
But Mr. Prodell said he was proud that the board opted for first-class schools, "giving our kids a chance to succeed."
The board could have requested a waiver from the state, but opted instead to hire Mr. Galloway.
The theater's board opted for a 25 percent cut in the budget from $4.2 million to $3 million.
For simplicity's sake, he explained, most boards opt for the flat fee.
In addition, to attract more candidates, the board opted to give prospects confidentiality, which limited community involvement.