That way, the board can both prepare for future action and unleash a powerful deterrent.
The board prepared a master plan for the city in the context of Greater Kabul.
In June 1906, the board prepared a list of the 300 words designed for teachers, lecturers and writers, which was sent out upon request.
The board is preparing notes of guidance to schools about how and when such calculators should be used.
The board prepares the draft appropriations bill along with budget estimates for each state agency.
The board, too, has been preparing for a runoff that may never happen, she said after the debate.
The chancellor and the board are now preparing for what could be another round.
The board prepares the syllabus for schools affiliated with it.
The board prepared the report for the association's 420-member house of delegates, a legislative body representing the association's 295,000 members.
Every year, a board of students and sponsors are elected in order to plan and prepare for the event.