Days later, Fernandez suspended the Queens school board that refused his curriculum, and ten days after that the board of education reinstated them all.
During the School board hearing, the fiercely divided board reluctantly reinstates her due to there being a legal precedent to support her stand.
A spokesman for Niagara Mohawk, one of the larger utilities in the nation, said that the company did not know when the board would reinstate the dividend.
Then, a few days ago, in the face of opposition from parents, the mayor and the police department, the board reversed itself and reinstated the busing.
But the board reinstated part of her bonus after a strong fourth quarter, so she still managed to pocket $1.57 million.
The new board reinstated the buckskin-dressed mascot that had been in the use since the 1950's.
In November, the board reinstated him, allowing him to retain control of the school until Feb. 1 and to retire on June 30.
The union's board of directors reinstated Trbovich in late May.
The current board reinstated Dr. Clay, and Ms. Johnson is suing.
This week, in a 6-to-0 vote with one member abstaining, the central board reinstated the local board - and urged mediation.