As things turned out, the board split quite evenly between the department and the owners.
Many of the pine boards had split vertically.
The two executives also created a new board of directors and an executive committee split evenly between people from the two banks.
In 1979 the board split over the selection of the Hunter College president.
Here are mired the warped boards of coffins split open by the water's relentless pull.
The 2002 elections left the board split 5-5, and in 2004 the conservatives won again, instituting their major standards revisions in November 2005.
Since Dr. Catacosinos served as both chairman and chief executive, the board could also split his titles between two people.
The board had split over the proposed removal of chief executive Steinar Stokke.
Chips flew and boards split as his axe buried itself helve-deep.
The Hirshhorn's board of directors evenly split on a vote to proceed with the project in May 2013.