Last week, they honked their boat horns in Boston Harbor to draw attention to their plight.
The Mood At 8:30 on a Saturday morning I was awakened in my hotel room by the long, one-note wail of a boat horn.
But until summoned by that boat horn I had never understood much of this.
"It was listening to the boat horns this morning--we're on the coast."
The evening ends not after the grand finale in the sky, but when the last boat horn dies out.
"I've had to use a boat horn and sit on the porch and shoo bears away while my children played outside," she said.
Hearing the boat horns, crowds from downtown filtered to the waterfront to cheer their team.
The 800 or more spectator boats let loose with boat horns and cheers as the Kiwi team began relishing its victory.
If Sharon needs help in the night, he can reach down and blow a boat horn the security people have left beside his bed.
That morning, Brooklyn had spoken off to the right with its church bells, klaxons, and boat horns.