The multideck boats serve food, carry cars and often feature sundry performers.
Instead, a fast boat serves tourists back and forth between cruises and the port.
Until the 19th century, horse-drawn boats and galiots served a steady stream of passengers on the river.
And like any work of art in Jardin, this old boat not only serves as a charming relic that is lovely to look at.
The boat served in that capacity until returned to the Ward Line in 1920.
"The boats serve 900,000 inhabitants of 57 islands not on the map of the world," he said.
The boat served there through the end of World War I.
The tiny boat served as a tender to ferry two people ashore, but it was not a life raft.
No roads connect the settlements; instead snowmobiles, aircraft and boats serve as local transport.
These smaller boats can serve smaller harbors around the Lakes which have irregular need for their services.