The bodily positions applied during Yoga are found at the Wikipedia page Asana.
Glare can result in tired eyes, headaches and even muscle aches and cramps as the user subtly adjusts bodily position to minimize visual discomfort.
Aging causes changes that aren't diseases but nonetheless lead to falls, like a loss of muscle mass or a reduced ability to correlate blood pressure with bodily position (leading to dizziness).
Inspirations from the movement of body culture gave birth to early studies in the history of bodily positions and movements (Gaulhofer 1930; Marcel Mauss 1934).
In the somatosensory system, neurons may be selectively tuned to different types of pressure, temperature, bodily position, and pain.
The expression "conduct" is more satisfactory, because wider; it covers not only an act but an omission, and (by a stretch) a bodily position.
Impaired proprioception (the awareness of bodily position in three-dimensional space).
This bodily position and the practice of rhythmically breathing while invoking a divine name seems to be common to both Jewish Merkabah mysticism and Christian Hesychasm.
Some performers select monologues, others may adopt the roles of several characters, changing their tone of voice, manner of speaking, and bodily position to indicate a change in character.