A conversationalist like yourself, however, can scarcely be seriously handicapped by any bodily posture.
Other tantra yoga practices include a system of 108 bodily postures practiced with breath and heart rhythm.
The language of facial expression and bodily posture transcended man-demon distinctions.
To switch from an honest to a deceitful call, the animal would have to adopt a different bodily posture.
Again, for nuns, their bodily posture, for almost any activity, was laid down in detail.
He claims that children who play table hockey regularly will develop better attention spans, hand-eye coordination, and bodily posture.
These include facial expression, vocal expression and bodily posture.
And for a moment you don't know whether they're talking about this strange bodily posture or running a club.
Functionally, the vermis is associated with bodily posture and locomotion.