This sequence works without a conscious experience of what comprises the stimulus, and it is the fast way to a bodily response.
The goal is to teach people how to control bodily responses easing tight muscles, for example to prevent headache pain.
Coca increases heart rate, but doesn't seem to improve heart output or other bodily responses to physical exercise.
I'm looking for his facial and bodily responses to my remarks.
How could emotions exist with no bodily response to generate them?
Somatic theories of emotion deal with the bodily responses to emotions.
For some people, therapy can help people become more comfortable with momentarily giving up control to bodily responses.
Whether we're laughing, having a row with someone or feeling very anxious, the bodily responses are much the same.
In biomedical applications for example, the bodily response to foreign material, and thus biocompatibility, is governed by surface interactions.
This bodily response is known as the "fight or flight" syndrome, a naturally occurring process in the body done to protect itself from harm.