The designer bacteria feed on bodily secretions like sweat - and some day could do away with a lot of dry cleaning.
Much harder to find is the performer who oozes humor from every pore like a natural bodily secretion.
Just ridding the body of dirt and bodily secretions takes so much time that many people do it only once or twice in ten days.
The bodily secretions of the animals were processed into the forbidden drug.
The least severe of these is the freezing of bodily secretions due to evaporative cooling.
Some cases are diagnosed after patients were exposed to the urine or bodily secretions of an infected animal.
One of these tales, just so you know, involves the use of all manner of bodily secretions.
In some jurisdictions, battery has recently been constructed to include directing bodily secretions at another person without his or her permission.
Adult flies are believed to feed on bodily secretions of bats.