The School Council is a body established to put into practices the aims and objectives of the house system.
It is a government authorized service providing body, established in 1945, enabling the post-war diamond industry to quickly pick up again.
It was the first such body established in the Melbourne metropolitan area.
The commission was the first permanent body established in Australia to continually conduct and investigate law reform.
It is an independent, quasi-judicial body, established under the Commerce Act 1986.
It can be used even if you're acting as a representative for another body established outside the EU.
Services Québec is a public body established as a legal person and its affairs are managed by a board of directors.
International organisations are bodies established by agreement between governments.
In addition to the states, there also exist regional administrative bodies established by peace agreements between the central government and rebel groups.
There are also several bodies established by statute to represent the views of users of public services.