These sensations signal the brain that the body is experiencing trouble.
His head felt bad from the drink of the night before, but this was more than compensated for by the delight his body had experienced.
This should mean that the body will not experience too much discomfort while exercising.
Trevino went on to expand on the physical abuse his body has experienced.
Their images reflect how different bodies experience the same space.
He wasn't over the shock his body had experienced.
Often, mechanical bodies experience more than one type of stress at the same time; this is called combined stress.
It is generally assumed that, like all living creatures, their bodies must experience degradation over time.
The higher your 8oxodg count, in other words, the more oxidative damage your body is experiencing.
In addition to these two forces, the body may experience an aerodynamic moment also, the value of which depends on the point chosen for calculation.