But a large body of research indicates the very critical role of a reader's background knowledge to understand stories and information.
A substantial body of medical research indicates that there is no established link between abortion and breast cancer.
Her body, now that she thought about it, indicated that he hadn't.
To her, Feres's destroyed body indicates that his soul is no longer whole.
"The body of statistical data does indicate something of the sort."
She knew I had found it; her body indicated a kind of relief.
A growing body of research indicates that the more parents take part in schools, the higher their children's grades and the better they fare.
In more scientific circles (and as a growing body of evidence indicates), people are talking about autumn becoming the new spring.
At the same time, a growing body of medical research indicated that industrial air pollution was making a lot of people sick.
A growing body of evidence indicates that this concern may not be warranted.