He had no wish to see the body opened and the organs removed and weighed.
The main body of the school, which included the east and north wings, opened in September 1960 with a construction cost of $1.5 million.
"Inside of six weeks, my body opened," he said of the experience.
In a quiet fluid movement, the body came around to the front of the booth and opened the door.
His body opened and he knew she must be thinking of the way her body had opened for him.
Your body bumping the door might not open it wide enough.
She had only to think of- She was still gazing down at it when her body sat up and opened its eyes.
But when the woman's body opened to receive him it was always the same.
Her body opened, she felt things pour from it.
In 2008, Mumbai's civic body also opened 12 classrooms for autistic students.