Star: the lady's position sideways with the upper body parallel to the ice.
Thom's bow was his deepest yet, bending his long body parallel to the ground.
The legs curve around the body parallel to the ground and the arms are clasped against the torso with the elbows bent.
She stood up, or rather sidewise, her body parallel to the ground.
She was almost sideways, her body parallel with the ground.
Adults rests with their body parallel to the surface, the wings held slightly below the horizontal.
Grabbing my assailant around the middle, I lifted him into the air, turning his body parallel to the ground.
Unless the poor chap fell with his body parallel to the ground, I doubt that terminal velocity played a role in this scenario.
She held the board in front of her as he lifted the rest of her body parallel to the water's surface.
For example, he can balance on one finger on a high wire, or stand upright on a wall, his body parallel to the ground.