A much larger staffer came forward, his body scarred and discolored by many encounters: a veteran.
His body is sweet and young, scarcely scarred and possessed, I might add, of two legs.
A 6-year-old is beaten with a coat hanger, her body scarred with welts.
The writing across a woman's body changes as that body becomes fat or scarred or old.
Asher's body before the human church had scarred him.
Kallendbor was a big man, tall and heavily muscled, his face and body scarred from countless battles.
Jentz, her body scarred, bears her injuries mostly in guilt, anger, and fear.
His body was hard and rangy and scarred.
My body now scarred from the numerous battles I had fought in.
Malekith was caught within the flames, his body terribly scarred and burned.