In sputum, mucus mixes with dead cells and other body secretions, including saliva.
MEDICAL researchers have begun experimenting with synthetic hormones that effectively block harmful body secretions, an approach they hope will lead to the better treatments for many common diseases.
A. The most likely culprits for yellow clothing stains are body secretions called apocrine sweat and sebum, the oily secretion of the sebaceous glands.
Hitler displays his morbid dread of body secretions and processes.
Sodium chloride can reduce some types of bacteria in certain body secretions, such as saliva.
The many different modes of transmission of hepatitis B are due to the fact that almost all body secretions have been shown to contain the infectious viral surface antigen.
He demands absolute unsqueamishness as far as expletives, body secretions, psychological cruelty and even sadism are concerned.
Like HIV, EIA can be transmitted through blood, saliva, milk, and body secretions.
It's in the blood and other body secretions of infected individuals, even when there are no symptoms.
The coating material was not applied by a third party, it is a body secretion of type one.