Now, in the cage, he mumbled and turned, his brain trying to sort out answers even when his body slept.
He rose without moving from the bed, his mind following even as his body slept deeply, restfully.
A body didn't sleep, lying next to someone who might turn into a ursiq next thing.
Only our souls entered the gourd, while our bodies slept.
It feels like you can see and hear and move to different places or even fly, but all the time your body is sleeping in bed.
How are body clock problems and sleep problems connected?
This body sleeps all the time, but my mind never does.
Fine as it was in the daytime a body could always sleep under a blanket there at Shalako, which suited me.
Rigiswald believed it came from the brain, which had passed its night in diligent work, while the body slept.
The draught of poppies takes away pain, that the body might sleep and heal.