He had been a big man, that much was obvious, but now his body had withered with disease.
His soul trapped by Sinistrad, the body had withered away.
As their bodies wither, some pray feverishly for a miracle.
I would not die immediately but my body would wither like a flower suddenly exposed to the heat of an oven.
Did Clemens's comments mean that he sensed that his body was withering?
Ultimately, this original body will wither away to nothing, but I shall remain.
But it was rejuvenation with a price: the knowledge that his body might someday wither from the effort of maintaining the new organs.
Her skin was dark brown and deeply wrinkled, her body withered.
The only thing he could hope to do was cut off the head, and hope the body would wither.
Their scorched bodies withered into ash and floated on the breeze.