Many carnivores are native to cold temperate regions and can be grown outside in a bog garden year-round.
The plant can be grown in ponds, bog gardens, and damp areas in the garden.
Some are grown as ornamental plants in bog gardens, ponds and aquariums.
It is suitable for use as a marginal or in bog gardens.
It is also suitable for a bog garden or as an aquatic marginal plant.
The pitcher plants are coming up through the bog garden.
If you have a leaky pond, or are worried about the prospect of young children falling in, a bog garden is a good compromise.
The extra amount of liner needed to make the bog garden must be allowed for at the planning stage.
A bog garden is a natural extension of a pool in which moisture loving plants can be grown.
Unlike true aquatic plants, those of the bog garden must be planted during the traditional planting season which extends from early autumn until late spring.