"You said it was a bogus lawsuit!"
"You don't counsel them because you're afraid you're going to get stuck with some bogus lawsuit having to do with their protected status," she said.
I deplored the fact that they knew, once they knew our evidence, that this was a bogus lawsuit, and that because of the funding they had from my political enemies, they were putting ahead.
With this evidence, the establishment probably won't be tied up by a bogus lawsuit.
My impeachment wasn't about my indefensible personal conduct; there was plenty of that on their side, too, and it was beginning to come out, even without a bogus lawsuit and a special prosecutor to do the digging.
"These are bogus lawsuits," said Pamela Maraldo, president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America.
But by the time you get through the Food and Drug Administration, do the marketing, fend off half a dozen bogus lawsuits for patent infringements, the most you're likely to end up with is eleven years.
They smack you around with their bogus lawsuits.
Gray called the claims in the lawsuit "bogus".
I pray he comes out the "Victor" in this bogus lawsuit.