Forged rental receipts or bogus letters from former employers now range in price from less than $100 to up to more than $1,000.
Archie declines - he has a bogus anonymous letter in his pocket - and is taken into custody.
Far from placating Eka, the bogus letters arouse an even deeper hunger for contact with her son.
So, Mr. Kosinski often said, he sent bogus letters to various authorities urging that they sponsor him for a research project in the United States.
Instead of the bogus letter relieving tension, it heightened it, Mr. Lee said.
Food business operators have received bogus letters, apparently from the Food Standards Agency, demanding payment for supposed breaches of food safety regulations.
The gang members knew that both the jewels and the bogus letter were kept in the puzzle box and decided to use Poirot to retrieve it.
Koontz has stated that he was only made aware of these bogus letters and articles in 1991 in a written admission from the identity thief.
The idea for the bogus letter came from "an MTV show on pranks televised some months ago," Mr. Ross said.
Well, he was planning to recover it $1500 at a time, using bogus advance-fee letters.