This bohemian scene may soon lose its home, however, because the apartment is at the center of an eviction battle.
It is notable for having housed many famous artistic figures, especially during the peak of the area's bohemian scene.
He came to Sydney in 1922 with the artists Joe and Guy Lynch and was soon immersed in the bohemian scene there.
A more bohemian scene can be found back at Maus Hábitos, the current clubhouse for Oporto's chilled-out youth culture.
He published at least one book, The Esquimau of Montparnasse, on the bohemian scene in Paris.
As a young man, Mr. Schneebaum was part of New York's flourishing bohemian scene.
Modotti and Weston quickly gravitated toward the capital's bohemian scene, and used their connections to create an expanding portrait business.
It has very sleek and posh clubs, as well as a bohemian scene.
Grub Street's bohemian, impoverished literary scene was set amidst the poor neighborhood's low-rent flophouses, brothels, and coffeehouses.
The Village again became important to the bohemian scene during the 1950s, when the Beat Generation focused their energies there.