Students and other bohemian types populate the new Knitting Factory, eagerly comparing notes on artistic obscurities.
That we're all bohemian types together?
We learn that traditionalists tended to see it as a sign of weakness, while more bohemian types often regarded it as a mark of status and social mobility.
Historically, Leblon has had a reputation as a haven for bohemian types, and Bracarense has been one of their favorite bars for nearly a half-century.
That was Alan Arkin, playing what was then still being called a bohemian type.
The house became something a haven for artists and other bohemian types as he used part of it to sell antiques and art.
"It's a pleasant, bohemian type of place, a crossroads for certain kinds of people," said Bill Barrel, an artist who paid $230,000 last year for a 30,000-square-foot warehouse.
But now that the Roots and others have reclaimed ground for bohemian types, they've decided to revive their sassy, spacey poetry.
The neighborhood has now been revived as a diverse community of artists, writers, and bohemian types.
It's particularly popular with bohemian, alternative types, but seems to attract pretty much everyone, really.