A pool used by the mill for boiler water was converted to use for baptisms of the nearby church.
If boiler water is condensed and re-used, any oil or grease must be extracted as this form of contamination is particularly likely to give trouble.
The thermostat constantly calculates what temperature the boiler water should be to maintain control of the room temperature, this results in a greater energy efficiency.
Start-up on a large engine may take hours of preliminary heating of the boiler water before sufficient steam is available.
Blowdown is also often used to monitor the chemistry of the boiler water.
The cold feedwater was thus heated to the same temperature as the boiler water before mixing with it, avoiding disturbance to the circulation path.
The scale builds up on heat transfer surfaces that insulate metal from the boiler water.
In industry, reverse osmosis removes minerals from boiler water at power plants.
This arrangement resulted in a greatly increased surface contact area of hot pipe with boiler water when compared to a single large flue.
The salvage of the train depot and three residences is credited to a passing train's boiler water.