Spray water onto the surface of the boiling fluid with a spray bottle.
I caught the sweet smell of the spices and the fresh green of marjoram and bay; and then in a wave came the horrid smell of the cooking meat, the blood and flesh decaying in the boiling fluids.
The boiling fluids drove back the deadly cold leaking down from above, and formed an island of warmth on the seabed.
Then the seals in the hydraulic cylinders in its legs and hips failed from the heat and contact with the boiling hydraulic fluid.
Multiple-effect evaporators use vapor from a high temperature effect to evaporate a lower temperature boiling fluid.
Your tissues (skin, heart, other internal organs) could expand because of the boiling fluids.
This is possible because the vapor rising from a boiling fluid generally has a ratio of components different from that in the liquid.
In a few minutes afterwards, he sipped off a spoonful with greatest apparent ease, although the spoon, from contact with the boiling fluid, had become too hot for ordinary fingers to handle.
Down the front of her sheer white dress was the dark stain from the boiling fluids of the cauldron.