It possibly means "the well or spring of the Danish army (here)" or "the fiercely boiling spring".
A boiling spring, we decided.
Within ten feet of the boiling spring is a spring of pure cold water, sweet and wholesome.
The camp gets its name from the hundreds of Ironwood trees on the land and the boiling springs along the Root River.
Swanhild heard and her blood seethed within her as water seethes in a boiling spring when the fires wake beneath.
But this was hot water, not cool, and must arise from some boiling spring.
He had shown me his boiling spring, a spring that boils up from the depths and also bubbles.
He and his folks used to collect the sand from a boiling spring to make scythe rifles.
He also issues the standard warnings: make certain the water isn't too hot; a boiling spring can cook you.
It's just a boiling spring inside a cave that echos when it rains.