Furthermore, the boisterous games at recreation were not to her taste.
I was frightened of the other children and could hardly imagine joining in their boisterous games.
In 1656 the Scottish Parliament passed an act outlawing all boisterous games on the Lord's day.
The sunny scene was restored; through the glass they saw the patrolman, the boisterous game, the sidewalk, and the city beyond.
Others played a boisterous game of tag wherever he happened to be walking, running into him at full tilt while attempting to evade their pursuer.
There were some boisterous games.
There were some of the boisterous kissing games he remembered from his wedding.
Refrain from running, pushing, shoving, playing tag or other boisterous games.
In the morning, local juveniles swarmed into the station and spent their time playing boisterous games and dodging the duty policeman.
With that, she began to lead a classroom of 12- and 13-year-olds in boisterous games and then described a day in the life of an American family.